
Caravaggio, The Taking of Christ, 1602

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Is 'Loving Thy Enemy' Complete and Utter Nonsense?

It is said that the enemy of my enemy is my friend, but can your enemy BE your friend? Is it possible for human beings to see other human beings as fellow Earthlings, even in the face of extreme fear? Loving, or even extending a sense of empathy towards those who have wronged us, or those we are afraid of is, in my opinion, one of the bravest things a person can do.

The media that is constantly being thrown in our faces seems to be sending out a clear message telling us to be afraid; we see endless news broadcasts about diseases spreading to America and we become afraid, you hear a barrage of stories about Islamic terrorist organizations and we become afraid. But just how rational is this fear? The truth is, the media greatly sensationalizes a large portion of what they show and tell you.. the juicier the story sounds the better, but the result is often not an entirely accurate depiction. So since the average American consumes about 15.5 hours worth of media per day, it's no wonder so many of us feel that humans do not even have the capacity to love in the face of fear.

When I say love, however, I am not referring to agreeing with or wholly accepting the wrongdoings of our enemies. Since those who threaten us are more often than not human beings, it is an inarguable fact that they have the same basic instincts and human nature as any other man or woman, therefore, it is completely logical and reasonable that we try and extend some kind of human compassion towards them. I turn, it is also logical that our enemies, as human beings, have the capacity to see us; their enemies, as humans too. If, for example, we apply an approach which grants unconditional compassion for all humans to containing a terrorist threat such as ISIS, then we not only have a responsibility for nonviolence towards people in Syria but ALSO a responsibility to keep Americans from being harmed, because we are all a part of the human race therefore we are, at the most basic level, equal.

I think non-violence and unconditional love are things that all humans have a capacity for. If we can strive to see through the huge wall of fear often put in front of us by society, and to open our eyes to the goodness in everyone while still condemning those who commit acts of violence, love and respect for others could become an omnipresent ideal.

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