Racism- "a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others. "
Agreeing with Kara's post, just because someone is not attracted to someone with freckles or with dark skin, does not mean that they are "racist". Your environment plays a role in physical attraction. It makes sense for someone in Eastport to say that they can't imagine themselves dating a black person solely because that is not what they are surrounded by. Same argument goes for someone in Harlem saying that they can't imagine ever dating a white person. I don't believe that those statements are particularly racist. A statement stating that a specific race is ugly is racism. You cant force yourself to be attracted to someone, therefore saying I couldn't imagine dating someone with green eyes or tan skin isn't racist.
Sensitive people may disagree and take offense to simple statements like that. I know if someone would to say that they are not attracted to girls with curly hair, I wouldn't care, but if someone says girls with curly hair are ugly I would be pissed off. It is how you phrase a sentence to consider it racist or not. Looking back at the definition above from dictionary.com, attraction is not stating that a group of people are superior to others. Everyone is different and are attracted to different people. Your entitled to you own opinions.
Racism is a tricky subject. Just because you "cant imagine" doesn't mean you could happily fall in love with someone. People shouldn't go into society close minded. Maybe if someone said I would NEVER date someone that is Mexican might be considered racist. Cant imagine and never are too very different scenarios. Again the use of word can take some statement to the next level.
Good point Gabby - the careful use of language changes everything.