
Caravaggio, The Taking of Christ, 1602

Monday, February 23, 2015

#10 Hemingway Quote

     This quote really stuck out to me in class and felt a desire to write about it for my blog. We didn't have too much time to discuss it in class, but I believe it is more than just boasting or saying its wrong to be superior to others. To me, It`s about working your way to becoming the best possible you and moving towards it each day. Hemingway seems to forewarn of competition between your fellow man.
     As it states you must be more introspective than  looking outward on oneself. I believe this quote is motivation to be the best version of you. It is good to refer to others as benchmarks of excellence, especially when they are doing well in the goals which you want to pursue. However, know that your end goal is to create your own unique  path in life and excel in your own shoes not just be a clone of somebody else`s aspirations. The quote does not discourage you from being inspired by others but the main thing is to never loose sight of you own ambitions and goals. Because really, your biggest and only competition in life is yourself not just perceptions of others.
     Everybody has their own strengths and weaknesses. Nobody is good at everything you are good at and visa verse. We all have our unique talents that makes us,us and nobody else. You yourself are an unlimited source of competition as you continue to mature and better yourself every waking second of your life.

     I feel as though Ernest Hemingway himself believes that there is no real benefit of being superior to others. He believes it is not noble to compete with your own kind. When bettering yourself there is no limit to the superiority. There is no maximum to reach because there is always,literally always a way to get better. For example look at the people who are pure geniuses in their fields. They still study and find new things fascinating; people like Einstein aren't going to know every single thing about black holes for example,but the superior knowledge he has motivates him to continually learn and better himself until the day he dies. Have you ever heard of anybody being the maximum amount of smart that can fit in your brain. Well I haven`t. The mind is endless (as far as I know) and can always be filled more. It seems to overlap with the other quote about "not just filling a pail, but lighting a fire". Your brain,nor your superiority can ever be filled. Though many of us are prone to getting lazy, there is more we can be doing, I know I can better myself or I would have 100+ averages in every single class. I don't know exactly why I better my self slower than somebody who has very high grades,but even if it is at a slower rate I try to always better myself.Still the whole point is that we shouldn't compare ourselves to others,but work with our own unique experience in life that nobody else shares with us. That is true nobility,that is the only way to be superior(but only figuratively).

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