
Caravaggio, The Taking of Christ, 1602

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

blog 8


Lately in class we have been talking about poverty and it made me think about how many families are barely getting by due to unemployment, sick family members, or just not making enough money for the work they do. In the article above it talks about how in 2014 Obama's state of the union and how he wanted to raise minimum wage to 10.10. Working at a minimum wage job and only making 8.25 (not 8.75 due to minimum wage finally being increased) it's very easy to see that yes this job provides money and for me it's not a bad salary to make but thats because 1) I don't have anyone to support 2) I'm not trying to live off this money my own. The money i make goes towards saving for college and little things but for individuals that are working jobs like mine and have to go home and put dinner on their table for their family it just isn't enough. I think that minimum wage should be increased to at least 9.50. Minimum wage is supposed to be a minimum way to get by and with this economy our minimum wage just isnt cut for that. Theres no way you can support a family making what the minimum wage is at the moment.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I completely agree with this. Its very hard from our prospective as teenagers to imagine feeding a family with the wages we make and the hours we work. A lot of teens just work to get some spending money for simple goods like clothes, electronics,etc. So yea 8.75 sounds pretty good,no complaints. But like you said it is Minimum Wage so it should be at least enough to scrap by.The amount of hours and stress this must cause on such families is crazy, I couldn`t imagine being in their shoes. A minimum wage job is most likely a job most adults would not like to do its as if minimum wage jobs are stereotypical jobs for teens so everyone batts an eye if they see an adult male or female working the cash register at McDonalds.

    Its a very important issue today and im glad Obama is attemping to fix this peroblem, but like the article stated "Republicans in Congress continue to block the President's proposal". So nationally nothing can be centralized,but a number of state legislatures and governors, mayors and city councils, and business owners have answered the President’s call and raised wages for their residents and employees.So each state can change its minimum wage to what it deems fit based on the cost of living in that state. New York is surprisingly low at 8.75 based off its cost of living while many other states are well above 9.00 already. The chart in this article says that by 2016 New york state minimum wage will be at 9.00 an hour.Its a good start,but many states have increased their per capta income by increasing their minimum wage. It benefits many people and will help struggling families survive as these emerging markets continue to increase. Minimum wage must increase faster if anybody wants to keep up.

  3. I agree, I think that minimum wage definitely should be 10 dollars or higher. Working hard for just 8.25, isn't fair. And us as teenagers in high school see how bad that is, we all pretty much are on a budget by making that little amount. Imagine those who are trying to support their families. So many people rip on Obama but what he's doing is trying to help the lower and middle class. Hes' trying to protect us from those in power with the most money because they really are the ones who control this company. We even see this on a smaller scale everyday. If your family is poor you're looked down upon, and thats not your fault its all about our social status and money.
